DIY Skull Cutout

There’s a flea market on Sunday that I’ll be employing to rid my closets of excess clutter. While going through old clothes, I found a plain, black unitard that hasn’t been worn in years. I decided to try the skull cutout that I had seen on a number of Ubran Outfitter -esque fashion sites. It was definitely questionable whether it would hold up because of the amount of stretch taking place when the unitard is actually on the body.

I had nothing to lose though.


Apologies for the cell shot, but it was all on a whim. It turned out really well, honestly. So, I jumped online and ordered a leotard to try it again… A little less haphazardly with the scissors next time. And not so low on my back, because that one is crossing into panty line territory.

I ended up wearing it to teach an aerial silks class last night and it held up! New aerial attire trend on the horizon?

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