Finally Settled (now you can help me pick curtain fabric)

We finally finished moving.  For those who aren’t in the loop, we moved from Savannah, GA to Wilkes Barre, PA back in August.  We had been living in the small side of a duplex until the landlord finished the larger side.

We moved in on Friday and there are a few things I need to do to make it cozy.  The kitchen has a farmhouse drainboard sink, like this one…


Only ours is even longer and I love it.  Obviously, it needs a curtain to cover the bottom (and hide the random cleaning related crap I keep under there).  Help me pick out the curtain fabric!  I’m partial to matroyshkas and Russian decor, so take a look at these and tell me what you think:


Carly Griffith, Little Matryoshka, Main Cream



Kokka Japan, Trefle Matroyshkas Pumpkin



Cosmo Textiles, Sweet Matroyshkas, Pink


Suzy Ultman, Little Kukla Retro

So, those are all of the options for the kitchen.  In the following posts, you can help me with the curtain fabric for the living room!  If you have any input, please leave it in the comments.