Knot Another Tangled Web (3)

There was a drive-by reply to me yesterday by the “mom” which was immediately followed by a hyperdelete and the cancellation of “mom’s” Ravelry account (yet again).  Not many people actually saw the post and were curious about what was said and why.  I didn’t get to see it myself, but thankfully a quick little birdy nabbed a screenshot in the few moments it was available.  So, what did we miss?



Not a whole hell of a lot.  Basically, it’s a copy-n-paste of the Ravelry guidelines that not everyone understands, so it seems.  I was hoping for something more exciting.  Like, an organic cat litter recipe.  Or a step-by-step guide for pissing off potential clients and customers for business owners.

Oh wait.  I think we got that last one.

Count Down

I’m knitting at a frantic pace with Christmas just around the corner.  Unfortunately, I can’t share because someof my readers are, well, reading.  I also agreed to knit my sister a Elfin Cable Cardi (non-Christmas gift) and hope to have that finished before we visit in a few weeks.

We put the tree up yesterday.  I stand firm by my policy of “no X-mas decor until December.”  Why can’t the stores understand that.  I saw holiday garbage being stocked the last week in September!  Is anyone else thinking about a letter writing campaign…

Dear Wal-Mart/Target/Lowe’s (yeah, seriously)/ And other Big-Corporate-Fat-Cats:

Stop nudging Halloween and Thanksgiving out of the picture.  I would very much like to enjoy all of their glory without a Santa  and full scale Christmas trees sitting an aisle over from the glow-in-the-dark Dracula teeth/cornucopias.  I didn’t even want to put up a tree this year because I’ve been seeing them since the first week of October.  Ever hear of “too much of a good thing”?  That applies to Christmas decorations (also known as your holiday revenues, sales were down this year anyway).  More isn’t always better, sometimes it’s just more (and annoying).  Thanks for your time.

Warm regards,


P. S. – And no, I don’t purchase Christmas goodies in September, October, or even November.  I doubt I’m the only one.

Sigh, well, I feel better.  Back to knitting.

(Also, there are only five spaces left in the To Dye For! Sock Club, get them before they’re gone!)